Organising Your Content To Get More Done Course

The most comprehensive content organising course you'll take

Do you wish you knew exactly where your content was at all times?

"There must be an easier way!" 

This has been me so many times! I knew I had bought amazing done-for-you content. I knew I had written that perfect blog post. I knew I had just the printable that would help my customers right now.

But could I find any of it? Nope!

I can now and I want to share my systems with YOU!

What if you had a way to...

Know exactly what content you actually have
Set up your folders in a way that makes sense
Discover a powerful way to get tons of info into your file names
Get to your content in seconds rather than minutes
Have your written content in one place without tons of windows open
Schedule & keep track of everything to do with your content Creation

With this course, you’ll have new systems, new free tools and a clickable content finder!

Can you answer yes to any of these questions?

  • Do you have so much content you struggle to find what you want?
  • Have you ever bought similar content to stuff you already have?
  • Do you ever think to yourself "never mind repurposing content, I'm lucky if I use it once"?

If you answered yes, to any of these questions, this Organising Your Content course is what you're looking for!

Organising Your Content To Get More Done Course

Course Highlights

I feel your pain! Your hard drives are full of wonderful content that *could* help you achieve your goals. When you bought it all, you felt a flutter of excitement. 

But your visions are now muddled with confusion and frustration because you can't find the content you need!

Tips for everyone

We start with the basics. But whether you’re just starting out or you've been around a while, you'll find tips you can use for business.


Not only will we be organising our content, we'll also be getting clear on what you want to use your content for.

Not just for PLR

The systems you'll learn don't just work for done-for-you content. they can be applied to so much more - in business and your life.

What's included?

Here's all the good stuff you'll get in the Organising Your Content To Get More Done course

5 Detailed Modules

You'll receive access to five detailed & super helpful modules.

21 video lessons + extra FAQ videos

You'll have 21 easy to follow, bite-sized, video lessons. Plus additional FAQ videos to answer any specific questions you might have.

7 full workbooks

You'll get two copies of seven, easy to follow, workbooks, one of each will be fillable.

The Magic Content Finder.

We'll create a file that will help you find and create content in seconds with only a few clicks of the mouse (or taps of the fingers).

5 Written module review checklists + Quizzes

These are perfect if you like to have written instructions to hand when you’re working through things. Plus you'll get quizzes to test your knowledge of each module.

Extra resources

You'll also get easy access to a range of webpages and resources.

Start Organising Your Content Now!

I am hugely passionate about this course. With this low price, I want to help as many business owners as I can. I would LOVE it if one of them was you.


Organising Your Content
Organising Your Content

What People Say

"When I see a product of Fran’s I know that it will be top-notch! She pours her whole self into creating her products and goes well beyond what she promises. The result is that you get much more value than you expected. I am honored to be invited to review Fran’s new course on organizing the content you own so that you can actually find and use it. 

She has set up her course like a true teacher would. You get videos, workbooks, checklists, a review at the end of each module, and a little quiz. Don’t worry—it’s not hard and you get to grade yourself! 

You’ll find a wealth of training and information in this course. If you’ve never purchased any of Fran’s other products, she has a treasure chest of wonderful content waiting for you to explore!"

Mary Simpson // Indie Author & Etsy Store Owner

Check out all the modules you get!

All together you'll get instant access to 5 modules. Not including a motivational introductory module, a review modules, and a FAQ module. These vary in length, but not in value and quality!

Module One: Taking Inventory

First things first: you need to know what you have before you start organising. In this module, I'll help you take a complete inventory of all the content you own, missing nothing out.

Module Two: Folder Systems & Clouds

Module 2 is all about tidying things up: on your computer and on a cloud system to make everything easy to find. We'll also discuss why exactly it is a great idea to have cloud storage.

Module Three: Spreadsheets & Links

Spreadsheets! Now, stay with me here. We're not doing math, we're using the Magic Content Finder that will help you find and create content in seconds with only a few clicks of the mouse (or taps of the fingers).

Module Four: OneNote for Written Content

OneNote is a note-taking system. It is incredibly powerful, free, and combines perfectly with the Magic Content Finder to help you plan your content strategy.

Module Five: Using ToDoist for Productivity

The last tool you're going to learn to use is ToDoist, a productivity system. It is also free and pairs seamlessly with OneNote and the Magic Content Finder.

What People Say

"I really feel like you are talking to me with this course!! It is really turning on a light for me as I've purchased a fair amount of PLR / done-for-you content before but it's literally just sitting on my computer. I feel that investing a day or so in this course is really going to move my business forward in leaps and bounds."

Kath Routledge // Relaxation Coach

Organising Your Content To Get More Done Course

More info:


You'll be adding to your toolbox during this course. But you do not need to own these tools before you start. I will walk you through absolutely everything you need.


All your downloads can be found within the course itself


My teaching style is non-assuming and misses nothing out. I show how to do everything step-by-step. This is perfect for beginners. However, I'm confident that there is information in this course that will be helpful to people at all levels.


The videos are bite-sized and are specifically designed this way. I do not used my own voice for reasons explained in the course. I do this purely to improve my students' learning experience.

Start Organising Your Content Now!

I am hugely passionate about this course. With this low price, I want to help as many business owners as I can. I would LOVE it if one of them was you.


Organising Your Content
Organising Your Content

Hello, nice to meet you!

I'm Fran

Hey there! I'm super excited to see you in my Organising Your Content To Get More Done course.

In just a few years, I have gone from having no knowledge of how to create content, to teaching myself how to create and run a successful content business.

Was it easy? No. But I know how I got here. So, the least I can do, is share my knowledge. Hopefully, things might be easier for you if I do.

I'm a retired World Champion swimmer with 4 degrees. So, I believe hard work is key. But working smart is even better!

What People Say

"I'm so thrilled that I'm taking this course. I've watched all the lessons but I'll be going through them again to make sure I set everything up exactly as you suggest because it makes total sense. You're right, the tools you recommend are awesome. I already keep all three open at all times. Thank you so much.

Ooo, and I love the voice!

Kirsty A // PLR Addict & Website Owner


How long do I get to complete the course?

You get lifetime access. So you have as long as you wish

Is this the right course for me?

Only you know that, really. If you want to learn how to organise your content properly to maximise your chances of success, then yes, this course could help. But only you know where you are on your journey.

If I take this course, will I sell more products?

I do not guarantee anything like that, Your business results are dependant on a wide range of things. None of which I can control. I wish I could.

How will I access the course?

The course will be on The Happy Journals PLR Club website. You'd access it in the same way you would any other product. Via a link in your account

How long is each lesson?

The lessons range from 3 minutes to 23 minutes. They are designed to deliver information in bite-size chunks so you can try things out as you go. The average lesson is 10 minutes long.

What exactly do I get if I buy your course?

You get instant lifetime access. to around 21 video lessons, which will be updated as and when I think it is necessary. You also get tons of checklists, workbooks and resource sheets.

Where do I find the PLR templates/course I've bought from you?

Normally you should be redirected to your account after you've checked out. On occasion this may not happen because technology has a mind of its own and doesn't play ball. Alas, this is simply part of life.

If you are not redirected to your account; login to your account here and your purchases will be waiting for you there :)

Is the course itself come with a private label rights license?

No, I'm afraid not. The workbooks, checklists and resource sheets you get with this course are not PLR. You can only use them for your own personal use. Please do not give them away, sell them or copy them. The same goes for the rest of the course.

Start Organising Your Content Now!

I am hugely passionate about this course. With this low price, I want to help as many business owners as I can. I would LOVE it if one of them was you.


Organising Your Content
Organising Your Content